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Our Top Five Christmas Songs for Kids

Festive Favorites

There are just so many reasons to look forward to Christmas each year. From the cheerful decorations and parties to the delicious food, traditional church services, and gifts for the kids—the list just goes on. At Go Fish, we anxiously await Christmas all year long, and we know we aren’t alone.

Of course, the list above neglected one essential part of the Christmas season that we wouldn’t want to go without: the music. For people of all ages, Christmas songs are one of the highlights of the entire month of December (and beyond). 

Some of our favorite Go Fish recordings fall into the category of Christmas songs for kids. We love that we’re able to play a small part in the celebrations of many families, and we don’t take that opportunity for granted. As the magical day fast approaches, we’d like to take a moment to highlight our top five Christmas songs and discuss what it is that makes them so special.

1. It’s About the Cross

We don’t mean to be negative here, but if there is one downside to the modern Christmas season, it is the reality that many people seem to have lost the original reason for the occasion. All of the other stuff is nice (and we enjoy it as well), but the birth of Jesus is why we are celebrating in the first place. Maintaining a focus on the true meaning of Christmas and everything that Jesus means for us as individuals and for the world as a whole should always be a top priority.

When we originally released this song, we were surprised when we were asked on more than one occasion: why do you guys have an Easter song on a Christmas album?  Well, for Christians, Christmas and Easter go hand in hand!  The whole reason Jesus came was to save us from our sin on the cross. Like the song says, “Jesus came to be born once so that we could be born again!”

2. Joy to the World

Are there any Christmas songs that are more closely associated with December 25th than “Joy to the World”? We doubt it. The melody is likely playing in your head already simply after reading the title of the song, and you can probably sing it through from start to finish without looking at a single line of the lyrics.

There is no age limit on enjoying “Joy to the World,” but this song tends to stand out as one of the top fun Christmas songs for kids. Parents can feel good about their kids singing along to the uplifting lyrics, and for the young ones who are getting into performing music, “Joy to the World” is an excellent pick to play on their favorite instrument. No matter how many Christmas songs there may be out there to pick from, it just wouldn’t be Christmas without hearing this classic at least a few times.

3. Away in a Manger

The next entry in our list is just as iconic as the last one, although it takes a bit of a different tone. “Joy to the World” is more upbeat and energetic, whereas “Away in a Manger” is subdued, subtle, and peaceful. Nevertheless, this is still one of the best Christmas songs for kids, and plenty of kids would likely list this one as their favorite Christmas tune.

There are some common elements across basically every popular song for kids, and “Away in a Manger” checks all of those boxes. It is a simple song with straightforward lyrics that kids will have an easy time remembering and repeating. It’s also repetitive in a way that is comforting without going too far to make you not want to listen to it over and over. You have certainly heard many different versions of this song over the years, and we would be honored if you would give our version a try this year.  We combined it with the hymn “Beautiful Savior” and we think you’ll love it!

4. Christmas With a Capital C

Earlier, we talked about how it’s important to keep the focus on the true reason for the Christmas season. In recent years, among some circles, that focus has been lost so badly that the word “Christmas” has been intentionally replaced by the word “holidays.” In “Christmas with a Capital C,” we directly tackle that topic and explain why it should be, and will always be, Christmas.

This song has been covered by other artists multiple times and a feature-length movie was even made based on it a few years ago.  When we released this song, we had no idea how much it would resonate with audiences!

5. Christmas Time

Finally, we wanted to end our list with a song that we think is just plain fun. Listening to our recording of “Christmas Time” should put you in a good mood and get you ready to celebrate Christmas with family, friends, and everyone else in your community. After all, this is supposed to be a joyous time of year, and nothing can lift spirits quite like the right song for the right occasion.

If you are looking for a great time to play this song, consider putting it on in the car when taking the family to any kind of Christmas occasion. Whether you are heading to a church event, going Christmas shopping, or just driving around to look at the lights, we think this song will add a nice spark and enhance the entire experience.  We were honored when Abercrombie & Fitch recently included this song in all their stores as part of their holiday playlist!

Start Listening Today!

We firmly believe that music makes just about everything in life better, and that certainly includes the Christmas season. What is the best Christmas song for families? There are many great candidates, but we hope you’ll consider adding some Go Fish favorites to your seasonal playlist.It’s easy to find and enjoy our entire catalog of music. When you are ready to listen to Christmas songs for kids, you’re welcome to stream our songs on your favorite platform, like Apple Music or Spotify, or you can head over to YouTube if you would like to see the videos. In addition to our extensive selection of songs for your family to enjoy, we also have a podcast that we’d love for you to try. Thank you for bringing Go Fish into your home this season, and Merry Christmas!