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Songs Teachers Can Sing and Play for Students This Year

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Engaging Songs for Teachers to Sing and Play in the Classroom

There is no debating the power of music in education. Using songs in the classroom or in a homeschool situation is a great way to engage kids, activate a different part of their brains, and make learning more fun. 

If you are already convinced of the value of singing and playing songs for your students, there is only one question remaining: what songs should you use? It can be tricky to find the right songs for teachers to use in class, as you’ll need to make sure your choices are a good fit for the kids in question. In this post, we’d like to get you started with some excellent song options that you can put into use right away. 

Of course, at Go Fish, we take pride in the music we create for young people, so please take a moment to explore our catalog. We are sure you’ll find more than a few tunes that are a great fit for your kids!

The Value of Songs for Kids

Before we dive into some of the best songs for teachers that you might want to use in your classroom, let’s quickly highlight why you should be motivated to bring music into the class in the first place. There are many great benefits to be enjoyed:

  • Improve brain development: Research has shown that music has an incredible ability to help develop the brains of young people. Playing a variety of songs and types of music at a young age can trigger this growth. 
  • Break up the day: It’s hard for children to sit for extended periods while listening to lectures on various subjects (it’s hard for adults, too!). By breaking up your school day with something fun like music, you may find that you get better attention from the kids during instructional periods. 
  • Form a connection: Music brings people together. If you would like to connect with your students—or your own children, in the case of homeschooling—on a deeper level, try incorporating music into your curriculum. 

Embrace the Classics

Getting down to the business of finding some fun teaching songs that you can use in your classroom, we should start with the proven classics that have been used in this setting for generations. These songs don’t really need much of an introduction, and you can probably start singing them without even looking up the lyrics:

  • “The Wheels on the Bus”: Not only is this a classic, but it also comes with natural movements that can get your young learners up out of their seats and dancing along with the song. 
  • “If You’re Happy and You Know It”: The same benefits that come with “The Wheels on the Bus” can be highlighted for this one. It’s an upbeat tune, of course, and will also encourage physical interaction. 
  • “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”: If there is anything that kids love as much as singing and dancing, it’s animals—so why not bring the two together? There is also a creative element to this one, as the kids can take turns suggesting what animal will be used for the next verse. 

Another great thing about going with classic children’s songs in the classroom is that some of your students will already know the tunes. This gets things off to a good start and encourages engagement quickly. Consider using one or two of these familiar songs to get the ball rolling before going into some new songs that they might not have heard before. 

Picking Songs to Teach Specific Skills

For a class of young kids, the three song ideas above will get you off to a great start. But what if you want to use songs to teach the kids specific skills that are currently your focus in the classroom? That’s no problem, and there are options in a range of areas to make sure all of your bases are covered. 

For example, there are a number of alphabet songs you can use to teach letters to kids. The timeless “The ABC Song” is obviously an easy pick, but you can find others if you would like to mix it up and make sure the kids don’t tune it out. Likewise, you can easily pick from a number of counting songs, such as “Five Little Monkeys” or “Ten in the Bed.” Letters and numbers form the foundation of early education, and incorporating songs to reinforce this area of learning is a proven strategy. 

Beyond letters and numbers, you can also tap into songs that will teach other things, like colors or the days of the week. In these areas, look into “I Can Sing a Rainbow” or “Days of the Week,” among countless other options. As long as you find a song that teaches something useful, has an easy melody to follow, and will engage the kids in learning, you’ll be on the right path. 

Try the Go Fish Library

There are many songs in the Go Fish library that would be excellent choices for use in the classroom setting. You are welcome to explore all of our songs to find something that you love! YouTube is a great place to start, but we’ve selected a few below to get you started. 

  • The A,B,Cs by Go Fish: As mentioned earlier, songs are a great way to teach important things like letters to kids, and we are proud to have our own version that you are welcome to use in your class!
  • 5 Little Monkeys: When it’s time for a movement break, children love this updated take on a timeless classic!  You naughty little monkey!
  • If You’re Happy and You Know It: Back to the idea of putting a new spin on classic songs, our version of “If You’re Happy and You Know It” will grab the attention of young people and get them up and moving. 
  • Bible Book Bop: For more Christian education options in your class, learning the books of the Bible can be difficult for kids—until they dive into this fun song a few times. Soon enough, they will know the books of the Bible and will have had plenty of fun along the way. 

Engage With Go Fish Today!

We hope this page has you excited to try some new teaching songs with your students in the days and weeks to come. Whether you utilize some of the classics we discussed or try out a few favorites from the Go Fish collection, we are sure that music is only going to mean good things for the young people you are leading.

While you are checking out all that we have to offer, we’d also like to invite you to give our podcast a try! The show is suitable for kids and adults alike, and the topics we explore focus on the truth of the gospel (along with plenty of dad jokes for good measure). Find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or Amazon Music, and be sure to play a few more of our songs while you are there. Thank you for visiting Go Fish!