Backstage With the Bible is our flagship curriculum, created to give children a high view of Scripture while clearly presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ. Children will love using their VIP passes and Bibles to gain access to the various backstage areas of your church. They will learn the books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and what it means to be saved by grace through faith…and that’s just in the first few minutes of singing each day!
All curriculum videos in easy to use .MP4 video format (music videos, choreography teaching videos, daily greeting & wrap up videos, tour bus & recording studio video tours, and more!)
Director’s Manual, Preschool Director’s Manual, Bible Study Manual, Craft Manual, Snack Manual, and Opening & Closing Manual (This curriculum is the only one that does not include specific games)
Karaoke videos and sheet music
Skit Scripts for each day
Promotional Items (promotional video, print files for posters, flyers, banners and more!)
Artwork Files (curriculum logos, cartoon characters, daily theme posters, rotation station and registration posters, t-shirt art, and more!)
Please note: You will also have the option of purchasing the physical DVDs for this curriculum when you complete your download. This is highly recommended if you use a DVD player as your primary form of video playback.