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Victory VBS Download


You’re invited to the ultimate pep rally!

The Bible is filled with examples of God’s people shouting and cheering in response to His mighty acts of power. Victory invites children to do the same by remembering who God is, what He has done, and what He promises to do!

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Victory - Curriculum DVD



  • All curriculum worship videos in easy to use .MP4 video format

  • Director’s Manual, Preschool Director’s Manual, Bible Study Manual, Craft Manual, Snack Manual, Games Manual and Opening & Closing Manual

  • Karaoke videos and sheet music

  • Skit Scripts for each day

  • Promotional Items (promotional video, print files for posters, flyers, banners and more!)

  • Artwork Files (curriculum logos, cartoon characters, daily theme posters, rotation station and registration posters, t-shirt art, and more!)

Please note: You will also have the option of purchasing the physical DVDs for this curriculum when you complete your download. This is highly recommended if you use a DVD player as your primary form of video playback.


The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6

Bible Story: God’s Victory through Joshua

Overview: When God told Joshua to have courage, He also reminded Joshua to meditate on His Word day and night. The Bible tells us who God is, what He has done, and what He promises to do. When we keep God and His Word close to our hearts, our fears will be replaced with confidence, gratitude, and courage. Whether God is knocking down the walls of Jericho or our own walls of fear, we can join the Israelites by celebrating His victory with a great shout of praise!


If you love me, you will keep my commandments. John 14:15

Bible Story: God’s Victory through Gideon

Overview: Joshua and the Israelites were victorious because they obeyed God’s commands. Years later, when they began to turn away from God, their winning streak came to an end. Through Gideon, God called His people to repentance and as a result, He faithfully intervened on their behalf. The Midianites were defeated while God’s people shouted in victory! We have all sinned and our disobedience creates a barrier between us and God. When we repent and follow Him, He is faithful to intervene in our lives as well.


He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it. 1 Thess. 5:24

Bible Story: God’s Victory through David

Overview: Goliath was the ultimate trash talker. When he threatened the Israelite army, the only one brave enough to respond was a young shepherd named David. His faith was so strong that he described Goliath’s demise in detail before it even happened. Even when his older brother and King Saul tried to discourage him, David didn’t doubt God’s power or his God-given gifts for a second! When Goliath was defeated, the Israelites shouted in victory as they conquered the Philistines. David’s story points to the Great Shepherd and King of Kings that was still to come!


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thess. 5:11

Bible Story: God’s Victory through Esther

Overview: Living a life of victory in Jesus is a team sport! We are called to live in community and everyone on the team plays a crucial role. God placed Esther in a position to save the very lives of her team, the Jews. Before she risked her life by breaking the king’s law, she asked those in her community to fast on her behalf. As a result, the king showed Esther grace by saving her people. Jews today still celebrate this victory together! This story reminds us how God extends grace by offering us forgiveness instead of the punishment our sin deserves.


But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

Bible Story: Victory through Jesus

Overview: Jesus is the ultimate victor! His death and resurrection defeated Satan, sin, and death forever. Jesus deserves all of our glory and praise because He alone can transform our lives of sin into lives of victory. He is coming back again and when He does, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord!

Now that is going to be one incredible cheer!